Preparing for the SSB Interview is not enough unless you focus on the writing part while doing preparation. To actually make it work in your favor you have to start learning time management strategies, which will help you during the SSB written test. The SSB interview is divided into two stages and both the stages conduct a written exam. Therefore, you will get a short duration of time to complete the written test, hence it is not possible for a candidate to complete the written exam without practicing time management techniques. In this article you will learn about the time management strategies beneficial for the SSB written test.
Time Management Strategies for SSB Written Tests
Here are a few tips that will help the candidates who are preparing for the SSB interview, in order to manage their time during the written test and complete all the questions within the given time.
1.Make a plan for a day
We all know that officers of the Indian Defence always value their time and utilizing their time for a good cause. Likewise candidates who are preparing for the SSB interview should also learn to give respect to their time by using it in the right way. Candidates should start making a strict plan and follow it seriously. This strategy will help them to give their time to each topic equally. Time management plays an important role in the SSB Interview, because candidates have to complete their test in the given time, so if candidates will not practice time management skills they won’t be able to complete their written tests.
2. Create to do list
Set your priorities while SSB preparations, give more time to your favorite topics but also do not avoid the other topics as well. Make a habit of writing whatever you learn. This will help you to recall the things during the written test and it will speed your writing. In order to succeed in the written test, the SSB candidate must be habitual of writing fast. Therefore, at home you must set your time and finish your topic within the time you have given to yourself.
3. Bound your time while preparing
Bounding time during the preparation will help you to revise each topic equally. The SSB interview process is very lengthy, especially the written test. So, to complete the written test in the given time a lot of writing practice is needed. The screening test and psychology test are completely based on the written test, which needs a lot of writing practice with the time boundation. Moreover, these tests are based on logical and situational topics where the mental ability of a candidate is checked, therefore you will not get too much time to think and write.
4. Follow instructions during verbal and non-verbal test
At the time of the verbal and non-verbal test SSB crew is supposed to give some instructions related to the test so listen to them carefully, because these instructions will help you to fill the correct information and save your time. As, during the test a booklet is provided to the candidates, which consists of 50 verbal and non-verbal questions and candidates are asked to answer them within 30 minutes. This can be stressful for candidates who are slow writers. This is the reason, candidates should practice writing fast with proper time management, otherwise they will lose in the exam.
5. Manage time while writing PPDT
The picture perception and discussion test is also a written test which is conducted to check the self-confidence and power of expression of a candidate. To succeed in this test you should do thorough practice of writing a story because during the test a picture is shown to the candidates for 30 seconds and the basis of that picture candidates have to frame a detailed story. The time given to the candidate is very less so they can’t waste it in thinking about the characters. They are asked to write the story in a fraction of minutes, mentioning character, gender, and emotions related to the picture. Therefore, you will only be able to complete your test if you have good writing speed.
6. Time management for psychology test
The psychology test is the second stage of the SSB Interview. This test is conducted to bring out the real personality of a candidate in different ways. Psychology test is divided into four tests which help in revealing the original behavior of a candidate. Candidates appearing for the SSB should know about this test in detail, because mostly candidates fail to complete this test in the given time as they lose their confidence level as the procedure is lengthy. So set your time to practice Thematic Apperception Test, Word Association Test, Situation Reaction Test, and Self-Description Test, because you have to write about various situations, and about yourself wisely.
7. Work on your hand writing
As we all know your writing speaks a lot about you. So, if you don’t have good handwriting then start practicing for it before applying for the SSB. As, bad handwriting may create a bad impact on the officer and he/she may lose interest in your booklet. Therefore, from your busy schedule take time for practicing good handwriting. One of the other reasons for practicing good handwriting is less time duration. Due to lack of time, candidates focus on completing their answers and this spoils their handwriting. But if you have practice writing neatly within the time will surely help you to succeed.
If a candidate follows all the above mentioned strategies seriously during the SSB written test will surely get selected. As we all know time management is always helpful for the students to succeed in any type of written exam. So, focus on your writing speed while doing the preparation and try to improve your speed every time while practicing. Also, remember to write your answers in neat handwriting, so that officers can easily read your answers.
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